*We have been in Ankeny (Des Moines area) for 5 weeks now!! We are loving being back here, and so feel like this is where we should have been all along. We definitely feel like God is blessing relationships/friendships as a result of us being where He wants us.
* We LOVE our church, Willow Creek, and are so psyched to be back there as well! Landon is in AWANAs on Wednesday nights and is doing so well. He has memorized 6 or 7 verses already since we've been here, and just last night he got his first patch on his Sparks vest.
*Bella (Izzabella) has been sick 2 -3 of the weeks that we've been here. :( However, she is now on the mend and hopefully it will be a few months before she gets anything else!!
*Bella is pulling herself up on to her feet now and is loving her independence with crawling, which she started at the end of September. She is a happy, sweet 10 month old, and we are enjoying her!
*Landon's school work is going well-he can spell a few words and can tell you what almost any word begins with (as long as it isn't one of those tricky English words like knife or elephant!)
*Landon has made LOTS of friends, most of them being with the daycare kids since the people we are staying with do daycare from home. He has one friend, Victoria, who is the granddaughter of the people we are staying with, and he just LOVES to play with her. She is 6 and they get along so well! I was nervous when we moved that Landon would struggle with making friends right away and feeling lonely. Again, God has blessed in that area too. I ask him after AWANAs each week (mainly because he is the youngest one to be in Sparks-he should be a Cubbie but since he is in Kindergarten then we chose to put him in the higher class) if he has made friends in AWANAs and he always says yes. I ask who his friends are, and he always replies that they are ALL his friends...and there are like 30 kids in there. I am so proud of him the way he walks right into the room each week and finds a chair by another child and sits down like it is no big deal. I wouldn't have been able to do that as a 4 year old! It is becoming evident to me how BIG my 'little' boy is these days!
*I have had 2 baby appts since being here-the last being yesterday. I did the glucose test and the drink wasn't as bad as it was with Landon. I got a call this morning from my dr.'s nurse to schedule my C-Section. It appears as though Baby Svennes will be born on Tuesday, January 24th, if he or she doesn't come sooner. I was hoping that it would be on a weekend but they don't do C-Sections on weekends. So, it will be one day before his/her daddy's birthday. I doubt I will be making my hubbie's birthday cake this year for some reason. ;)
*Travis is loving his new job. He is learning more each day and really liking the extra responsibility he has there. He (and we) are LOVING that he only works 1 job. HALLELUJAH!! We have more time together as a couple and a family...it is wonderful! (And I am loving being with the kids all day as well! :)
*Our house STILL has not sold! :( I am definitely discouraged about it. While I know that God has a plan and purpose for everything (and no, I'm not trying to talk myself into it-I do KNOW that), it does feel like nothing will ever happen. The logical side of me says that since it hasn't sold yet then it won't through the winter. I know, however, that God can do anything, but I remind myself too quickly that it doesn't mean He will. We are frustrated with our realtor and how lazy he is, especially with us being away. I keep praying boldly that God would bring a buyer by a certain time/date and then that date is here and gone and nothing has happened. I know that God hasn't forgotten about it-it is done and dealt with in His book-we just don't know when that is going to be revealed to us. So, we are here doing what I am WORST at-waiting...patiently! Ugh! I don't like those 2 words together! God is in control and His way is perfect, regardless of what I want or think I know to be better. I just try to remind myself of that each time I get frustrated or down about it.
Well, that ended up being A LOT LONGER than I had planned, but I guess that's to be expected when I haven't posted in over a month.
Happy Thursday!
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