
About Me

I've been married to my best friend, Travis, for 7 1/2 years now and we have a little boy named Landon, a little girl named Izzabella and a baby girl named Lorelai. They keeps us on our toes and keeps us laughing! Here are some interesting tidbits that some may know and some may not:
  • I heart argyle! :)
  • I love fountain Mountain Dew!
  • I despise licorice-true fact!
  • I love to bake and decorate cakes-it is the only thing that I am patient for...just ask Travis! ;)
  • I love all Mexican food, especially guacamole!!
  • I tend to use a lot of exclamation points!
  • I love Fall but my favorite holiday is Christmas!
  • I am a perfectionist but am slowly learning that my family isn't going to be perfect no matter how much I try to force them!
  • I love pizza...could eat it almost everyday!!
  • I LOVE being a mother for it is like nothing indescribable feeling
  • I have gray hair and have since I was about 16...I wish I was joking!
  • I have recently gone gluten free-and love it!!
All of those things represent my personality and likes/dislikes but what defines me is my love for my God and my Savior. I would not be anything without Christ's redemptive work on the cross.  I truly am astounded by God's grace and mercy in my life. God continues to mold me and change me into who He wants me to isn't always easy, at times it is painful, but I wouldn't change it!!